Nov 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Finnegan

Your story here is more than frightening. I hadn't seen your answers in my Quora feed for some time so decided to look you up. My partner is also very outspoken on various social media about the corruption and US proxy wars. Although he's not anywhere near as high profile as you are. We are working on leaving the USA as well and fret daily about the slowness of the our progress in finding our way to Vietnam as our destination. Thank you for your writing. It has informed me so that I can bear the cognitive dissonance of learning that everything I've been taught is shallow distraction and designed to both calm me and make me afraid. They let us breathe but every time we exhale they squeeze a little tighter. Take care Alexander Finnegan

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Alexander Finnegan

That sounds awful. You and other quora MLs were helpful in my tranformation from Trotskyism/Deleonism(?) to Marxism-Leninism. I'm so glad you could make it out to Guatemala. Thanks for all you've done, good luck.

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Finnegan

Amazing story! Don't give up! Our children depend on this.

I wrote you a question, and I hope you answered.


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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Alexander Finnegan

I’m so sorry Alexander. I’ve always appreciated your work on philosophy on Quora and I will never forget the particular answer you gave of the hardest thing about getting older is not growing more bitter; it helps me to this day. I hope you and your family can find safe haven.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Alexander Finnegan

I missed you on Quora. I guess this is why you have been missing. The US is such a hypocritical society, I can't wait to leave before I share my views as well. Stay safe comrade and keep fighting.

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Hitting the hornets nest has predictable results, brother. I am so sorry for your troubles. "The Internet's Own Boy" doc.

revealed what happened to Aaron, founder of Reddit as he attempted open sourcing Congressionally funded MIT research that had been fast tracked into private "for profit" hands. As has been done with all publicly funded cancer research for decades. The rotting corpse of Empire has, as Chris Hedges notes, come home to apply all it has learned from terrorizing the world. As you noted first, they came for the Civil rights leaders and every protester, regardless of skin tone, but mostly African Americans. That brought concessions from tricky Dick and the solution to revolution from Ronny the actor in the form of the drug war expansion that served the burgeoning prison industrial complex.

The "so called" intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies at every level to include the courts and their managers in government all serve the monopolists that own us all. For we are their chattel and the proof is printed on your social security card. If your name is all caps, then you are property.

I've been in and out of many situations to gain better perspective toward understanding my own history in this life as a less than human tool.

If you pop your head up and too many notice they cook your goose. They pornado elected governors and what they continue to do to Julian Assange is ungodly, to be kind.

There has never been a political solution, because we have never had a democracy. Say no to a monopolist and die, from Lincoln to JFK.

Blood and treasure for Empire.

Monopolists are Caesar hiding behind curtains for fear of Brutus, and the "so called" mob. We are nothing more than the dirty peasants of days of yore.

As we are returning to our place the Sheriff of Nottingham has satellite telemetry control via AI of all resources and unlimited drones to beat the slaves back, not to mention Eric Prince's private army of psychopaths.

Hate prevails , division and domination the rule , and our only response can be keeping love and hope alive. We are the human race, always rising like the Phoenix, if we dare to see past our own noses, dear friend.

There is not a place on earth that you can hide, unfortunately. Do your best to keep your head down try very hard to not become a martyr. For your heart and soul that is your family.

Getting out of Dodge was a great choice to dodge the first bullet, but as you mentioned they have a deep toolbox, and most of the tools are like haggis, thin skinned and full of crop.

They have such bigger fish to fry in country and around the world. Empire breeds fascism everywhere to counter people power. It's mostly nothing to fear especially those drug addict shitboxes in Ukraine and paper tigers with Hollywood PR. Keep the faith , my friend. Comments like the one above are commonplace, best ignored.

Just so you know, Congress is funding all of the shift that has been happening to you organized and perpetrated from the States, in England, Poland and of course Kiev...fuck em all, and their shitshow. Find your smile and take heart, there are amazing sunsets in your new digs and plenty of love in and around you. I wish you and yours my best, and know that you are not alone.

I stopped owning laptops a long time ago, there is no such thing as security nor privacy, for we the chattel. Even burner phones aren't safe if they have voice prints..which their AI's have on everyone, so... I only ever get 2 or 3 likes on anything I ever say, only in comments on other people's substack.


James Sevier

Disabled Veteran

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Well said Alexander

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I have a question: how were you not attacked using mind infiltration technologies, like V2K?

I also had and continue to have problems because of corruption in my country, which I tried to expose and I was the target of this - deadly - technology for more than 4 years.

This technology is the one that is more or less common to use against whistleblowers.!

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you have your comments turned off on quora,making it impossible to ask for information there.

what does "green line " mean in the context of your post by the IDF soldier that just quit?

I've never seen that phrase before.

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maybe we should start by contacting the Russian embassy? go to their website. There is probably a Russian embassy in Guatemala...

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Alexander, come to Russia with your whole family. You will be completely safe here. Ask Edward Snowden. And in Guatemala they will get you. In any country they will get you, except Russia. Assange made the wrong choice at the time...

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