Is the American Communist Party or ACP a fed front designed to sheepdog young white males away from nationalism toward a dead end communist movement that refuses to acknowledge the very real JQ?
Seems to be. Instead of joining in solidarity with anti-imperialists of all varieties, the members of the ACP are too busy attacking people for not being Shabbos Goy. Meanwhile, they refuse to acknowledge the very real situation related to Gaza as it is. When you call out the Jewish billionaire class as being part of the overall class analysis, they gaslight you.
Also, how does Jackson Hinkle get such plumb gigs? Who is funding him? Who is paying for the bots upvoting his content? Stalin meaningfully addressed Jewish dual loyalty after many Jews betrayed the USSR after Israel was founded. His war against the cosmopolitans was serious. No honest Marxist-Leninist just ignores this part of history and pretends that class struggle is the only thing that matters and the JQ is totally irrelevant given the history of the USSR and its struggles, particularly against Trotsky and the Old Bolsheviks.
Eddie Liger Smith, the uppity Noah Khravichek, and the other members of the group are keen to viciously attack anyone who doesn’t kiss Jew ass. Strange. The group appears to be a bunch of feds who exist to sheepdog white males who are more right wing away from nationalist movements and directs them toward a dead end communist movement that cannot succeed because it is designed to fail.